BAAL HOW TO LOAD BAAL ON THE AMIGA: In order to play BAAL you require an Amiga with at least 512K of RAM and a color monitor or television. BAAL works on the A500/A1000/A2000 and with the 68010 and 68020 microprocessors. To load BAAL do the following: 1) Set up your Amiga in the usual fashion. If this presents difficulties, please refer to the 'Introduction the the Amiga' manual, Chapter 2, 'Setting up the Amiga'. 2) Switch on your monitor or television and then your Amiga. (It is important to re-boot your Amiga in this fashion because it guarantees that the machine will not be infected by a VIRUS which will destroy your program disk). 3) If the display prompts for a Kickstart disk insert one into the internal drive as usual. 4) When the display prompts for a Workbench Disk insert the BAAL disk into the internal drive. 5) BAAL will now start up automatically. 6) If the BAAL title screen has not appeared within 45 seconds there may be a problem with either the program disk or your Amiga system. Check that your system is connected together properly and that the above sequence of instructions has been followed correctly. If you are sure that your computer is functioning (other software works correctly) and loading difficulties are still being experienced then please read page 2 'Warranty limitations' of this manual for replacement details. THE BAAL DISK MUST BE LEFT IN THE INTERNAL DRIVE AT ALL TIMES DURING GAME PLAY. HOW TO LOAD BAAL ON THE ATARI ST: In order to play BAAL you require an ST with at least 512K or RAM and a color monitor or television. To load BAAL you do the following: 1) Set up your ST in the usual fashion. If this presents difficulties please refer to the section in your ST Owners Manual titled 'Hooking up your system'. 2) Insert BAAL 'Disk A' into your disk drive. 3) Switch on your monitor or television and then your ST. (It is important to re-boot your ST in this fashion because it guarantees that the machine will not be infected by a VIRUS which will destroy your program disk). 4) BAAL will now start up automatically. 5) If the BAAL title screen has not appeared within 45 seconds there may be a problem with either the program disk or your ST system. Check that your system is connected together properly and that the above sequence of instructions has been followed correctly. If you are sure that your computer is functioning (other software works correctly) and loading difficulties are still being experienced then please read page 2 'Warranty limitations' of this manual for replacement details. 6) When 'Disk A' has completed loading the title sequence will commence. When the screen prompt appears insert 'Disk B'. THE BAAL 'DISK B' MUST BE LEFT IN THE DISK DRIVE AT ALL TIMES DURING GAMEPLAY. BAAL - THE HORROR BEGINS Archaeology is a strange profession at the best of times, digging up human remains, picking through what is left of a civilization after hundreds of years makes you feel you could be one of a pack of salivating wolves or a hooded vulture whose patience has been rewarded with a few maggoty remains and that's if you're lucky. But I shouldn't complain, the fact is I enjoy it immensely, or I did until we started our latest dig and I began receiving the letters. At first I put them down to some kind of crazy crank with nothing better to do. The lads on the dig thought them a great joke. They started putting chicken bones on my door and one of them gave me a Barbie doll stuck with pins. They pulled my leg about them coming from a jilted lover, but they weren't that type of letter. They looked like they'd been written by somebody (thing?) who was incredibly old. The writing, - no, scrawl - was barely decipherable. What I was able to read warned of terrible destruction of the earth, or death, plague, and of man killing man just for the hell of it. There were comments about the dig too; I couldn't decide whether they were threats or warnings. Whoever it was knew a lot about the massive stone slab we had uncovered. The stone came to light after we had removed yet more human remains from the site. The general concensus of opinion was that we had stumbled across an ancient burial ground but I didn't agree. The thing I couldn't understand was the grotesque mutilation of so many of the remains, of the look of abject terror on the faces. It was as if they had seen hell on earth and had died a hideous death in the process - but why? The stone was covered with strange evil looking hieroglyphics depicting horned monsters, massive toothed demons, mutants of all shapes and sizes. In the center of the stone was a single word "BAAL", it stood out from the surrounding filth like a pus filled sore. I thought it looked like a massive door, but to what chamber? The mood of the team changed as a feeling of dread settled over us - in silence that night we all went home unsure of what tomorrow would bring. When I got home another letter was waiting, I suddenly felt very cold and afraid. My hands were clammy as I opened it to reveal a crudely composed rhyme written again by my poison pen friend. Look at the date, turn the last three around remove the I your screams won't make a sound. This one had me totally lose; what was significant about today's date - 5th June 1999, three what? and for heaven's sake there's no "I" in June to remove. But the last line brought back the images of those corpses all with their mouths open as if in silent scream, I shivered as if someone or something had walked over my grave. I played with my food rather than eating it that night and I looked at the steak on my plate I suddenly wished I'd become a vegetarian. The meat (flesh) just stuck in my throat. I decided to swap the solids for liquid refreshment and opened a can of beer. The bitterness of the beer matched my mood as I attempted to look at the problem logically. What had these letters, today's date, the poor tortured souls who had died so hideously all got in common? And then of course there was the massive stone with the carvings and BAAL, - who or what is BAAL? That feeling of dread returned, but I needed to know. I programmed everything I knew into the computer in the hope that something relevant just might surface but it had no data on BAAL. So in desperation I rang my old university lecturer praying that he hadn't moved or (as I realized how old he must be) died. After what seemed like a lifetime the phone was answered by a woman and my heart sank thinking he must have gone but she explained that she was his housekeeper, that he was already in bed and hated being disturbed. I tried the old charm on her and soon had her eating out of my hand. In no time old Jonesy was growling down the phone at me, muttering about being woken in the middle of the night and who the blazes did I think I was. I just said one word - BAAL, silence - you could have heard a pin drop, and then a whisper. "Don't move the stone". "How do you know about the stone"? I asked. "It was foretold by an old scottish monk way back in the 12th century", the old man replied. "He wrote that a pictured stone would cause death and destruction to the world at a time when man was reaching for the stars. His contemporaries thought him crazy and locked him away, but it looks like he wasn't so daft after all". "But I don't understand, what have the stars got to do with it?" He tutted down the phone, and I smiled to myself as he obviously hadn't changed a bit, he was still impatient Jonesy. "Don't you see that's a reference to man's space flights"! I realized as he spoke I'd not told him about my secret letter writer so I quickly went through everything that had happened. They didn't make sense to him either, he told me he needed to refer to some past notes and would ring me back. He left me with a chilling warning, "Move that stone at your peril." I sat for a while trying to come to terms with the idea that behind that stone there lurked a beast, a creature so vile that to let it loose would mean man's destruction. I just couldn't believe it. It was like the beginning of a horror movie except this time it was for real and the film had a very reluctant leading man - ME!! I was rudely woken by the shrill ringing of the phone. "Where have you been?", barked Jonesy as I answered it. "I've been ringing you for hours. You've not moved that stone have you?" I apologized and assured him I'd not been near. "While you've been in the lad of nod I've been busy. I checked up on what our supposed mad monk had prophesied in case there was any reference to dates or times." He asked me to read the verse again. When I had finished I thought the phone line had gone dead - then I head a groan and before I could ask him if he was okay he said in a fearful voice, "You received that last letter on the 5th - a day early." "What do you mean?", I replied. "That letter should have arrived today, the 6th." "You could be right", I said, "but there's still no I in June." "Heavens you are stupid today", Jonesy said rudely. "It's not an I it's a number 1, don't you see it says - just look at the date (it being now the 6th June 1999) turn the last three around - that turns the three nines into sixes, remove the one (not the I as you read it) leaving you with the date the 6th of the 6th following by 666 and you know what that is?" I felt sick as I said, "Oh my God, the sign of the devil." As I answered him I notice my watch on the table - I couldn't believe the time - 7:50 a.m. I dropped the phone and ran as the lads would already be at the dig. I prayed I wouldn't be too late as I reached the brow of the hill overlooking the site. They had enlisted the help of a large excavator to which they had attached thick wire strops connected to large eye bolts in the rock. My cries were lost to the digger as it took the strain and I watched in horror as the stone started to move. For what seemed like an eternity nothing happened as I started to run down the hill. It began as a low rumble, and then stale foul air erupted from the uncovered hole. I was thrown to the ground by the roar that followed, the stench of death by now making me retch. By this time panic had set in with the men and some started to run. They were the lucky few - others were frozen to the spot in absolute terror - they died where they stood as BAAL rose through the mayhem firing at anything in his sight. As the dust settled he seemed to survey the area like an evil general after a battle pleased at the carnage before him. my mind was working overtime on one thought - escape, but that idea few right out of the window as he turned to the small hill where I lay transfixed with fear. "Good of you to come and watch the side show," BAAL sneered sarcastically. "I'm sorry it was all over rather quickly for you, but never mind, the Main Event will thrill you to death. He paused and then added, "Yes, literally to your death". "Why me?", I screamed (more in anger than in fear). He gestured with his hand as if to dismiss me and replied, "You just happen to be useful to me, but any of your pathetic humans would have satisfied my needs. By the way did you like my letters?" The demon said this with a terrible evil grin on his face. His look said it all, he was revelling in the power that burst from his whole self. The fiend was just playing with me, the letters were all a game. He interrupted my train of thought by boasting that even now as he spoke, his army of undead were stealing the thing he'd come back for - a top secret War Machine with which he could rule or destroy the world. He sneered. "When we meet again, I will be your master. At last the world will be mine." With that, he was gone, back to his stench filled lair, to await the return of the undead. Unfortunately I had a funny feeling that we would be meeting again very soon. That all happened three days ago, events have moved fast since then. A war council has been set up and an elite squadron on men, code named the Time Warriors, have been formed - their mission to find and destroy BAAL and return with the War Machine. MISSION INSTRUCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU are in charge of the Time Warriors and here are your Top Secret Mission Instructions. You must guide and control each Time Warrior in his quest. Although it is impossible to say what horrors you will encounter when you enter BAAL's lair, his enormous power coupled with his huge army of monstrous beasts make him an extremely dangerous enemy. We pray you can do it, we know you can. Many lives will be lost in the numerous bloody battles ahead but BAAL must be defeated. If not we run the risk of being ruled by a power crazy demon at best, at worst the earth as we know it is doomed. OUR FATE IS IN YOUR HANDS...... Basic Playing Instructions: The joystick is used to control the Warrior as follows: Without fire button pressed: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j/s center - Warrior is still and in firing position where appropriate. up/down - Warrior up or down ladders where appropriate. left/right - Warrior turn/move left or right where appropriate. With fire button pressed: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j/s center - Warrior fires laser in direction faced where appropriate (including off the ladders!) up - Warrior jumps straight up where appropriate. down - same as j/s center left/right - Warrior stops and fires or transports where appropriate. j/s diagonal-Warrior somersaults forward in direction he is facing where appropriate. (It says 'where appropriate', because depending on your situation you won't be able to carry out some actions, for instance, you can't somersault off a ladder!). Where the title screen is being displayed and the music is playing the following keys can be used: S - Save high score table to disk F10 - Toggle high score table display - Start game Keyboard Actions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The keyboard is also used for some functions: F1 - Set screen sync to 50hz F2 - Set screen sync to 60hz '1' - Select laser mode 1 '2' - Select laser mode 2* '3' - Select laser mode 3* '%' - Select laser mode 4* 'C' - Toggle area co-ordinate display on/off 'P' - Pause game (any key to resume) 'R' - Refuel laser (see note below) 'S' - Save current game position (see note below) 'L' - Load preciously saved game (see note below) Esc - (with fire button pressed) - Abort current game. * Can only be used when corresponding cartridge has been collected. Numbers refer to ones on main keyboard (not numeric pad). REFUEL LASER: To refuel the lasers you have to first find one of the few refueling points and move up to it from the right side only, until you are in very close proximity to it (but not touching). If for some reason you can not refuel, the info console will tell you. For instance if you have blown the refueling point up you won't be able to refuel! It could be though, that you aren't close enough so move closer; or you could be too close (touching) in which case move back slightly and try again. To stop refueling just move your Warrior away. SAVE GAME: Follow the instructions for refueling but instead of pressing "R" you press "S" for save. This is only a limited save game facility and as such is only available in the underground cave world. LOAD GAME: To load in a presaved game, you may do so by pressing "L". You will be asked to verify this, type "Y" to go ahead of "N" to abort. This option is only available in the underground cave world. TRANSPORTING: There are 3 separate domains to Baal, 2 large, 1 small. Once all war machine pieces have been collected (they flash yellow), you need to find the transporter, enter it and press the fire button. You will then be transported to the next domain. If you do not have all the war machine pieces in that particular domain, you will not be able to transport (You require 10 components to travel from Domain 1 to Domain 2 and a further 8 from there to the final part of your mission. Each time a component is collected it turns off one of the flashing L.E.D.s at the bottom of the screen). Once you are successfully transported, your squadron will be granted an extra Time Warrior. If you have 6 or more warriors, only 5 will be displayed in the "Active Warriors" box, but don't worry, they are still there. THE LASER: Your laser has 4 weapon modes (you need the cartridges for 3 of them). The first is very weak and objects will need many hits before being destroyed, some more than others. Some objects can't be destroyed at all where as others need the more powerful weapon modes (4 is the most powerful). When you are low on laser energy (electrolite), the laserbolt will flash when it is fired. ENERGY SHIELDS/SCANNER: You are equipped with a personal energy shield that will protect you from alien missiles only, for a limited number of hits. It can be topped-up at any re-fueling point. The scanner is equipped with an early warning system, a flashing red arrow at the top corners of the screen tell you of an approaching alien. NOTE: An extra warrior will be designated to your squadron for every 5,000 personal status points you achieve. End of Game: Once the game is over, and you have a high personal status, you will be requested to identify yourself. To do so just type in your name using the main keyboard. The numeric pad is used if you want to include special characters in your name. Each number on the numeric pad will produce the character above the numbers on the main keyboard (i.e. pressing 1 on the numeric pad will display a !). If you make a mistake, use the 'backspace' key to delete it. Press 'return' once you are finished. To restart the game you press the spacebar of if you wish to go back to the title screen and music (all 11 minutes of it!) you can press the return key. !-!------------------------------------------------------!-! ! ! ! ! !-! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<= Rocket Fuel Gauge ! ! ! ! ! ! !-! ! ! ! ! PLAYSCREEN ! ! !-! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <= Laser Fuel Gauge ! ! ! ! ! ! !-! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-!---------------------!-!------------!-!---------------!-! ! ! Personal Status ! ! Elapsed ! ! Active Time ! ! ! ! (Score) ! ! Time ! ! Warriors ! ! !-!---------------------!-!------------!-!---------------!-! ! ! Personal Energy ! ! ! !-!---------------------!--------------------------------!-! ! ! Information Console ! ! !-!------------------------------------------------------!-! ! ! Light emanating Diodes ! ! !-!------------------------------------------------------!-! /\ /--\ ---- --- / \ ------ 2 \ / 3 \ / 4 ------ \--/ -- / \ / \ / \ / \ ------ ! ! ------- Rocket Fuel Pod ------ Weapon Cartridges ============================================================================ DOCS PROVIDED BY -+*+-THE SOUTHERN STAR-+*+- for M.A.A.D. ============================================================================